
Walt's Princess: Prologue

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Long ago, in a present-day kingdom unknown by neither the 20th nor the 21st century, there lived a queen called Sadia. She lived with her husband, King Philemon, and her two sons. Sadia and Philemon were very much loved by their subjects and have asked nothing more out of them. But one day, like her usual days, Queen Sadia looked out onto her kingdom and watched them do their daily business. The baker would bake his breads, pastries and cakes, the women sewed and spindled their fabrics for clothing, the blacksmith forging his metal, and finally she watched the children of her kingdom run off to school. Lately, Sadia has been eying on the little school girls, how they always laughed, skipped to school, shared a little gossip, and stood together having the time of their lives with glee. Sadia started to remember her years as a little girl and wondered how very lucky her subjects are for having little girls as daughters. She looked at her two boys as they were running around pulling pranks on the guards behind their backs. Of course the queen punished them for that, yet she kept wondering what was like to have a daughter. She loved her family and it would be nice to have another member join in. That night, she went to her husband in their chambers to speak her mind.

“Sadia, is something wrong?” King Philemon asked.

The queen said nothing at first. Her head faced down at her toes. She felt strong enough to walk to her husband, but being Philemon he doesn’t always give in to anyone’s presence whenever he’s busy unless it’s someone important, especially Sadia, but Sadia didn’t clearly give much thought to that despite her love for him. Philemon walked to her and embraced her. He may not always see it physically, but he knew something was wrong with his wife.

“Please speak your mind, dear Sadia.” he said.

Sadia looked up to him as he smiled at her and stroke her hair. Finally she spoke “Phil… today, like usual, I looked outside into town and saw little girls run to the schoolhouse. They were all so happy and cheerful and I thought ‘would it be nice if we had a child like that to brighten up the castle a bit?”

“Sadia, if you want the boys to behave themselves more and always think of others, you could just tell them yourself.”

“I know.” Sadia chuckled, “But I’m talking about a little girl and-“

“Sadia, what are you trying to tell me?”

Sadia felt hesitant to tell him, but she pressed on. “I think we should have a daughter.”

Philemon raised his eyebrow. He thought she was joking, but as he kept looking at her, he thought wrong.

“But Sadia, we already have two boys! Don’t you think that’s enough?”

“Phil, you know I love them both dearly. I just think having a daughter would probably add a little…sparkle for the family. Actually, what I want to say about it is that assuming you and the boys go out fishing, horseback riding or something, I would have someone to share my heart with; you know, spend a little girl-time with.”

Philemon thought for a moment and said, “Alright, we could go to the orphanage tomorrow and you can pick one.”

“No, Phil. This has to be a child of our own blood.”

“But Sadia, don’t you remember what happened last time to our second son? You almost died that time! Plus, you know the rules of this kingdom as much as I do; we can’t have another child once winter starts and winter is only four months away from now! No woman can produce a child that quick.”

“I know.” Sadia said sorrowfully.

“If you must have a blood-born daughter, dearest, we might have to wait until spring.”

Sadia didn’t say another word and left the chambers. She didn’t want anyone to be around her for the rest of the day, but at the same time she wanted someone to be with her. She wanted her own daughter to be with her. At the corner of her eye, a moonbeam shone from outside at the balcony. She walked outside and looked up. The sky was filled with stars; so many stars that she felt like it was almost daytime once more. Suddenly, a shooting star passed by. Sadia made her wish and stood quietly. After a couple minutes, she felt a cool gentle breeze blow right through her and yet she could’ve sworn she heard a voice call her name. She looked around but nobody was here! She heard the voice speak her name once more and looked up at the moon.

“Who’s there?” she trembled.

“Do not despair, young queen.” The voice said.

“Who are you?”

“I am the Maiden of the Moon and tonight I have heard your cries and desperate woes. I read the wishes from the shooting stars that race through the skies every night and grant the very most innocent and desperate of them all per month. On this very night, because of how much love, compassion, and respect you show to your people I am prepared to grant you whatever it is you desire. One wish, no more, nor less.”

Sadia was speechless. Was she dreaming? Or was she just too upset to be conscious? Still, what were the chances of wishing for the child she’s most irrationally desired? Sadia thought for a moment and finally decided to make her wish.

“I wish for another child; A daughter. I already have two sons, yet I feel it’s not enough for me. If this wish will be granted, I shall wish from you no more for I know I will have everything I needed and be happy with her.”

“A daughter; what a beautiful wish! I shall give you more than that. Your daughter will be given a great destiny that will influence greatly to the lives of those who come to know and love her. I will grant onto her a magical spell that will not only give her the gift of sorcery, but also put her under my protection. I must warn you, though; the kind of sorceress she will become has been searched by many of those who’ve come to do her a great deal of harm! Do you still wish fort this child?”

“Yes, I do. I promise I will keep her safe from all harm even if I were to die on this very spot! Still, I wonder how I will obtain this child before winter. One of the kingdom rules says that we can only produce and give birth either before or after winter and nowhere in between or else our children would have to suffer the cold.”

“Do not fear, Sadia. I shall remedy this.” Suddenly, something was glowing onto the ledge of the balcony. It was a silver chalice filled with a purely silver-colored liquid. The reflection shone brightly from the light of the moon. “Once you drink this liquid, the process of producing and giving birth to the child will quicken tenfold without any pain; at least three months; and all the gifts that I will provide for your daughter will become hers. But you must hurry and drink every last drop of it for it will the effect tonight and tonight only before the clock strikes twelve.”

It was 11:57 pm according to the time on the clock. She only had three minutes to drink all of the liquid in the chalice. Sadia took the chalice and drank the entire thing, leaving no drop behind. She smiled and looked up to moon.

“So mote it be upon this night that I shall grant your wish!” said the Moon spirit, “By the middle of October, your child shall be born very much gifted but primarily loved. And so long as you love her as a mother, your affections will strengthen her heart, her soul and her mind for all eternity! It is done now!”

The moon glowed brighter than its usual lighting and shot a moonbeam onto Sadia. Sadia’s eyes began to sparkle as the moonbeam was fading away. It was unlike anything she’d ever experienced before and she was glad to have seen this! Now all was quiet; the moon returned to its original light and the stars continued to shimmer in the night sky. Sadia felt an exhilarating chill in her body and smiled more. She went inside to tell Philemon the big news, but as she was heading to the King and Queen’s chamber, she suddenly felt unstable and she fainted. Luckily, three of their guards were just coming by when the incident happened. One of the guards ran to king, another ran to the castle nurse, while the third stayed with the queen in case if she woke up. The king ran to Sadia and held her in his arms and carried her to his chamber. The nurse was already there and she examined the queen. She was fine, she said, and Sadia woke up in an instant. She looked at her husband and caressed his cheek. She wanted her and the king to be alone for a moment; the king ordered for privacy.

“Philemon…” Sadia spoke softly. King Philemon came closer to her, beckoning her to speak more. And so she did. “We’re going to have a daughter.”

The king was confused. He thought it was only part of Sadia’s imagination, but it became evident enough for him as Sadia explained the whole story. Philemon was familiar with the moon spirit legend. Back then, he, too, called upon the moon spirit and wished for the revival of his best friend. So given that fact and being a loving and supportive husband, he had no choice but to believe her. They both rejoiced and sent out invitations throughout the kingdom and other kings and queens as well as princes and princesses, nobles, dukes and duchesses, and great and powerful sorcerers of different kingdoms throughout the world. Since that night, word gave out throughout the castle and everyone from the highest class of servants to the lowest class worked day and night endlessly for the arrival of the invited guests and the King and Queen’s newest child.


Three months have gone, just around the time when the new baby girl was about to be born, and the kingdom was making their final preparations for the ceremony. The guests have already shown up in time to see the new princess. Meanwhile, inside the castle, Sadia was watching Philemon and some interior decorators plan out the design for the new nursery when without warning, she felt a kick inside her. The king turned around and saw Sadia sliding down the wall to the floor; they knew it was time! Philemon and some doctors rushed Sadia into the emergency room! Sadly, Philemon couldn’t stay in there for two main reasons: he got squeamish for the first child and he was making Sadia nervous for the second child. He waited outside anxiously for the results. It’s only been ten minutes when Philemon heard a baby’s cry inside. Philemon got up from the bench, ran inside, and found Sadia just settling down after spending ten painful minutes of pushing a baby out of her. He walked towards the doctors and saw his new baby daughter. Tears filled his eyes as he went to Sadia. Sadia was still crying from the pain, but that didn’t stop her from smiling at Philemon. He kissed her forehead and she went to sleep. As she did, Philemon raced to the front balcony and announced to his kingdom and his guests that the new princess was born! Everyone cheered and rejoiced! The kingdom danced and confetti soared through the wind onto the village streets. Philemon also announced that the christening of the new baby would be held the next day and everyone was invited! The crowd went absolutely nuts! Philemon left his subjects to their festivities and went back to his wife who was now carried back to her chamber with her new daughter. Sadia was awake and some of her friends were there to view the new princess. He stayed behind the door and watched.

“Well, don’t just sit there and hide her, show us.” said Lady Margaret, one of Saida’s friends, “I’m on pins and needles just standing here!”

“Isn’t it thrilling?” said another friend of Sadia’s, Madame Ophelia.

“Ah, this is a grand night indeed.” said the third friend, Countess Gwendolyn.

“Well, hurry up and show us. I’m just dying to see!” Lady Margaret said.

Sadia was holding her newest daughter in her arms as she laid there in her bed. She carefully removed the cloth that covered the girl’s face and showed them. The ladies awed at the princess’ little slightly chubby face. The princess heard the unfamiliar voices that rang in her ears and opened her eyes. She made a big yawn and looked up at her new mother. Her small brown eyes blurred a little until she got complete visual. Sadia gave a small, warm-feeling smile, giving her the sign that she truly was her mother. The young princess gave out a big smiled and giggled as she rubbed her eyes. She then glanced at the ladies and smiled more. Suddenly, in the princess’ mind she heard a soft voice that was as soft as her mother’s. She looked outside the window where the moon gleamed; her eyes began to turn into a different color; her pupils turned a light cream yellow and her irises turned silver. It was the Maiden of the Moon's voice.

“Hello there, my little one.” the voice spoke. “The Earth and the Moon welcomes you.”  

The Countess Gwendolyn came closer and tickled princess’ chin and gently tapped her nose. The princess giggled and cooed. But then she sneezed and revealed her hair from the clothe; her hair, in the light of the moon, suddenly turn from short brown hair to a long gleaming and shimmering silver. Her hair grew no longer than 2ft long! Everyone gasped including Sadia; the ladies in both amazement and horror with Sadia being both amazed and overjoyed. Perhaps this was the special gift the Maiden of the Moon mentioned about bestowing onto the princess. Whether it was or not, she loved what she had seen, what her daughter was given.

“Is it possible?” the Countess Gwendolyn wondered.

“Isn’t there some mistake?” Madame Ophelia said.

“Just look at that- oh… H-A-I-R.” Lady Margaret put out into Madame Ophelia’s ear.

“That what? OH! HAIR! This, isn’t it silly?” Margaret laughed and held the little princess’ hair. “I mean look at it! She’s almost as pale as death. It’s just unbearably freaky it’s funny!”

All of the ladies howled and made the princess cry! Sadia wasn’t really amused at all at how the ladies were treating her own daughter, especially right in front of her. She slapped Margaret’s hand and all the ladies gasped in terror. Philemon came in to Sadia’s side.

“How dare you antagonize our daughter in such a cruel manner?” King Philemon shouted, “She’s only been alive for about an hour and a half and you wenches have the complete nerve to tease our children!” The princess cried louder and louder. Sadia tried to hush her, but the princess wouldn’t stop.

“Look what you have all done!” Sadia yelled, “I’ve really expected more out of you, but I guess I don’t really get to see that!”

“Oh lighten up, Sadia, we were only joking around.” Lady Margaret said.

“Yeah, it’s not our fault that your daughter looks nothing more than a little freak show- NO, I MEAN-!” Madame Ophelia stuttered.

“Guards! “ Philemon raged. The guards came in immediately. “I want these witches out of our sight! And if we see them hurt our children anymore, I will have them face the consequences!”

The guards escorted the ladies out of the castle and the ladies went home. Sadia finally got the princess to quiet down as Philemon sat beside her. He looked at his princess with a small shed of tears in his eye. The princess started to giggle again; she was happy once more.

“There, there my little angel.” Philemon spoke softly, running his fingers through the princess’ long silver hair, “The mean ladies are gone now.”

The princess knew, within her heart, that she was safe. She cuddled and snuggled in her mother’s arms.

“Now then, what should we call her?” Sadia wondered.

“It’s got to be something good. Look at her, all snuggled up in mommy’s arms like a little sheep.” Philemon tickled the princess and she laughed. Sadia thought hard enough to come up with the perfect name.

“Rachel.” she said, "It means 'little ewe."

“Princess Rachel.” he said and then turned to the princess, “My little lamb.” He kissed her forehead.

Sadia began to sing a lullaby for Rachel and Rachel began to sleep. She placed a soft, gentle kiss on Rachel’s forehead. “You’re the most beautiful little girl I’ve ever seen.”


The next day, all of the King’s and Queen’s guests and subjects arrived inside the castle and all of them were very warmly welcomed. King Philemon, Queen Sadia, the two young princes all stood by Princess Rachel with her hair turned back to brown and cut short, lying inside the royal crib that was nicely decorated with light pink tapestry and maroon red bows.  Kings and queens, princes and other princesses, nobles and dukes, knights and warlocks came from all over the world to greet and spare gifts to the child. Among them, were a few very powerful sorcerers and very well-known characters from the world of Disney: Mickey Mouse, in his wizard’s outfit, Merlin, an expert of time travel, and the master of sorcery himself, Yen Sid. It was night time by the time the three of them were called to the throne where the king, queen, and princes stood. Merlin and Mickey caught a glance at the Rachel first and then stood in front of throne with Yen Sid.

“Yen Sid, Merlin, and Mickey Mouse.” the king started, “On behalf of me, my family, and our kingdom, we bid you all welcome.”

“It’s good to see you all again on behalf of your new daughter.” Merlin said.

“We all have different gifts we’d like to give to your new princess.” Mickey said.

Yen Sid remained quiet, but in spite that he was happy to be there. He turned his head towards the crib when he noticed a small glow inside. Before he was able to speak, Mickey and Merlin were ready to present their gifts.

“Princess Rachel,” Mickey started, “I have this nice little stuffed bunny that you can cuddle with.” Mickey Mouse handed the stuffed bunny to the princess and she took it gleefully and brought it to its embrace. Mickey awed and laughed, tickling her chin before he stood back away from the crib. Now it was Merlin’s turn.

“Little princess, I have you a couple storybooks your parents can read to you.” Merlin held out three different stories:  ‘A Little Princess’, ‘Beauty and the Beast’, and ‘Mary Poppins.’

Yen Sid was still staring at the crib when both Mickey and Merlin’s gifts were given.

“Yen Sid?” the king said.

“Oh! Forgive me, but I couldn’t help but notice that Princess Rachel’s crib seems to be glowing. Merlin, Mickey, didn’t you two notice it?”

“Actually,” Mickey began, “I did notice something brighter when I gave her the stuffed bunny inside.”

“And I did see that the princess’ eyes begin to sparkle in silver.”

The crowd exchanged weird and confused expressions on their faces. None of them ever notice what the three of them saw inside the crib.

“Your Majesties,” Yen Sid spoke, “with your permission, if it is alright with you both, you wouldn’t mind if I held your child.”

Philemon and Sadia looked at each other. Sadia gave Phil a slightly small nod.

“You may hold her.” The king said.

Yen Sid approached the crib and picked up the princess. Princess Rachel smiled and giggled as she yanked on his beard. Of course it hurt, be he continued to examine. Yen Sid couldn’t help but smile at Rachel’s cuteness. Suddenly, he sought a tiny spot of silver in her hair when he held her head at the edge of a streak of moonlight shining through the glass window on the ceiling. It was silver and was slightly longer than the rest of her hair. Yen Sid brought her into the moonlight and held her out on his hands. Rachel’s hair all at once grew 2ft long and the rest of her brown colored hair turned silver. Everyone was shocked, even Yen Sid, and he doesn't get surprised so easily. Yen Sid looked at Rachel.

“Has it been seventy years already, little one?” he said out loud, “I never thought I would live to see the day once more.” He turned to Philemon and Sadia. “One of you has encountered the Maiden of the Moon, have you not?”

“Wait, Master Yen Sid, you know about this?” Sadia asked.

“Indeed, I do. Many years ago, I came to learn that my wife, Clara, had the same sort of power this child does now. When a girl who has this power walks about the outside world without shade, her hair grows two or three times as long her original length and turns silver. But once the daylight comes, the hair turns back into its original color but stays at its long length until it is cut. And since they’re only half immortal, they can die by nature, suicide or murder like a normal average being.”

“I bet that’s what the Maiden of the Moon was telling me three months ago when she mentioned that most of the last sliver beings were hunted down and done much harm.”

"Indeed, she must have. But, there is sort of a bright side towards this sort of death: when a silver being dies, her spirit will be incarnated into the next host after seventy years so long as its last host, after death, is burnt to ashes under the full moon. Otherwise, when it dies, the race will no longer return to the Earth for all eternity. Your Majesties?”

“Yes?” the king and queen replied.

“My wife, being in her sliver being form, was murdered by my brother, Olin, in a pit jealousy for not being as well respected as us sorcerers considering that he was wasn’t born sorcerer like my family and friends and he swore to destroy every last sorcerer that’s left in this world that started off with Clara; And I must warn you that that same man still lives even today! If Olin finds out that Princess Rachel is the new silver spirit, he will stop at nothing to seek his revenge and do extreme harm onto her.”

Suddenly, an unknown voice shouts out “Oh please, Sid, you really think you could hide this from me?” Yen Sid recognized that voice. He knew whose voice that voice belongs to. Everyone turned to the large doors that stood tall and open at the other side of the throne room. There, a shadowy silhouette came and walked towards Yen Sid, the king and the queen. He wore a modern day black suit, had a small bald spot on his head, light grey hair and beard, and his stern look always gives Yen Sid the message that whenever he sees his brother with that look in his face, he means death.

“Let me ask you something, your majesties. You gave Siddy-boy here an invitation about this… very momentous occasion that said that the receiver can bring any people he or she wants to bring, yes?”

“Correct.” Philemon answered.

Olin turned to Yen Sid. “And yet you Yen Sid, you never invited me, your only brother to join you, your little rodent and ol’ Father Time here to see this little sack of flesh, bone, blood, and silver hair-.”

“Don’t come any closer, Olin!” Yen Sid stepped back, “You know why I did not want you to come with us. It’s become a lot more obvious and predictable that you want to hurt this child.”

“Actually, for once, I’m not going to kill this kid right now.”


“You heard me.” Olin came closer to Yen Sid and looked down at Rachel. She squirmed as she attempted to make herself comfortable in Yen Sid’s arm. He smirked and evil smirk. “This is just like old times; Clara was a beautiful woman, so strong, so kind, and so pure of heart. It’s a shame I had to kill her.”

Yen Sid, with Rachel in one arm, blasted Olin to the other side of the throne room with a gust of wind power. The thought of remembering how Clara died out his own brother’s hatred had angered him always.

“You have best better leave my wife out of this and leave Rachel alone!”

“So that’s her name.” he laughed, “Rachel. That’s a sweet name. I’ll be sure to engrave that on her tombstone once I put an end to her in the future. I hear you made a wish to a shooting star to have this child, is that right, Queen Sadia?” Saida stared at Olin with fear in her eyes and her heart beating fast like it was the end of the world. “Big mistake; Never make a wish that I can easily crush. I will come back someday when you least expect it and I will destroy your precious princess; your sweet little angel.”

Olin left the throne room with an evil grin on his face laughing himself out of the castle. The crowd turned towards the king and queen and Yen Sid. There was complete silence; no one spoke for a moment. Luckily, Yen Sid, Merlin, and Mickey Mouse were the last to be seen as visitors so everyone went home and continued their joyous festivities. Meanwhile, inside the castle, the group gathered around a table that held a dim candlelight. Sadia held Rachel in her arms as Rachel slept, holding her new stuffed bunny with a tiny smile on her face and her hair turned back into brown.

“Something must be done about this mad man!” Philemon began. “Yen Sid, isn’t there a way to talk to your brother put some sense in him?”

“Many years of my lifetime both as a former human being and as part of the immortalities of Disney’s companionship I have tried and failed. Olin always keeps his word when it comes to mass murdering threats and yet it has become very difficult to change his mind. For that, there is nothing I could do. It would take a miracle for one to help him restrain his sanity.”

“Then why not put my guards in the highest guard around the castle. I would put them all at every door outside and inside!”

“That won’t work.” Merlin remarked, “Believe me, I’ve been to this part of time and many other times before and after and I have seen Olin take out your guards before the time reaches to its first second. Ten times as strong as your guards are is ten times more powerful Olin is than they are! There were no survivors. And he has ended up destroying everyone else in the castle including Rachel, your sons, and-“

“Stop it!” Sadia cried, “We get the message!”

“Well what if we have the princess disguised as a village peasant and have her live there as a baker or something?” Mickey asked.

“Yeah,” Phil said, “and maybe in the future she could put Olin in a loaf pan with pound cake batter and bake him until he runs out of breath!”

“Gosh, really?” Mickey sprang up in excitement.

“No!” everyone shouted. Rachel made a raspberry.

“See, even Rachel is not so thrilled about it.” Yen Sid pointed out.

“Actually, I think Mickey’s on to something.” Sadia brought up.

“The baker disguise?” Merlin raised his eyebrow.

“No, I mean about hiding her. I suggest that… well.”

“Sadia?” Philemon became uneasy with what Sadia was about to say.

“I think… we should send Rachel away to a different family.”

“What? But Sadia, three months ago you wanted this child; and after all what we have planned for this day you’re saying that we should just give her to a different family for how much temporary time there is left? This is just too dangerous, I won’t allow it!”

“She’s already in great danger being here right now.” said an unexpected voice that came in from the shadows. A man came in slowly from a corner of the room in brown monk-like robe and a brown hood that concealed his face.

“Well, well, well.” Yen Sid started, “May I ask how long you have been here?”

“Long enough to have seen Olin threaten you guys about murdering the princess. The queen’s right, Olin mentioned that he could come in unexpectedly without a problem. If this happens and Rachel’s still here, then it’s over.”

“And I suppose you saw this along with Merlin by any chance?” Philemon said sarcastically.

“Believe me, I had two daughters hidden away from the press to protect them from having them face the same fate as what happened with the Lindbergh kidnapping many years ago. And let me tell’ ya, that was terrible and I fear that Olin might put things in a lot more badly than that. Hiding Rachel is just about the only solution we’ve got.”

Philemon sighed. “I suppose we’ve got no choice. But where could we hide her? It’s obvious she can’t stay here in the castle anymore as well as hiding somewhere in the kingdom.”

This was a tough decision to make. Of course, Philemon was right that Princess Rachel couldn’t stay there anymore, but everyone, especially Yen Sid, knows that Olin has lived just as long as Yen Sid has so he knows just about anywhere else whatever there is in the world. They’d have to choose the spot wisely. Suddenly it hit one of them!

“You know, a while back, I stopped in a small city in California and found a family there with two parents, two girls and a boy.” Merlin said, “The girls are good, but they don’t spend as much time with the boy as anyone else does. I’m sure with Rachel around that boy would have a time of his life as well as the rest of his family.”

“What do you think your majesties?” Mickey asked.

“I think that will do just fine. Sadia?” Philemon agreed.

Sadia looked down at Rachel. Rachel was asleep with her stuffed bunny at hand without a care in the world. She had a dreamy look on her face with a tiny weak smile. Sadia felt very hesitant to sending her only daughter away for the sake of her safety, but what must be done has to be done.

“I promised the Maiden of the Moon that I will protect my daughter under any circumstance, so let’s do it.” Sadia agreed.


That night, as soon as everyone was asleep, Yen Sid agreed to escort Sadia and bring Rachel to her new home. Philemon, with tears in his eyes, gave his last goodbye kisses to his daughter went back inside the castle in despair. Merlin and Mickey Mouse had already left for the Disney Worlds while the mysterious brown hooded figure vanished into the night. Sadia, clothed in brown robes, similar to the brown hooded figure’s, with Rachel tucked away in her arms with warm blankets wrapped around her took the hand of the powerful sorcerer and in an instant they disappeared through a transportation spell. Off they went to the small city of San Pedro, California and landed in front of the building where Rachel’s new family lived. It was sort of an apartment building, about two floors. They both went inside the hallways and stopped in front of the door in which the ‘McGivern’ family lived. Sadia wrote two letters and placed Rachel inside a basket. She kissed her daughter one last time and said her last words.

“I know you’ll be happy here with your new family. I’m pretty sure you will. I’ll always be thinking of you and I hope you’ll come to remember me and your father someday. There will be some struggles in your life that you’ll have to face alone. But you’ll never be alone. They may think you’re different, but you are special; far more special than any girl I’ve ever seen in the world. I just want you to know that no matter what they say about you, what they think of you, or what they see in you, never ever forget who really are. You are my daughter and you’ll always have my love. You are the most beautiful little girl I’ve ever seen; my little angel. I hope to see you again someday, Rachel. I love you.”

And with that, she knocked on the door and Yen Sid and Sadia immediately left. Sadia’s eyes burst with tears as soon as they returned to the castle. Yen Sid, feeling sorry and responsible for bringing this upon the unfortunate couple, made a promise to both Sadia and Philemon that he would watch her at every moment in her life and inform them whatever and whenever something happens. Both of them were much obliged.  

Back at the apartment, the door opened. Both the grown-up residents found little baby Rachel lying there crying, wanting her mother’s love and embrace. The two of them brought her inside and introduced her to her new siblings, sisters Phyllis and Anna, and brother Rodney. From that moment on, Rachel lived on with her new life, not as a princess but a simple regular average independent individual. She became aware that her magic gift of being a silver spirit had to be kept a secret, so she hid herself away for most of the day and night but only to come out whenever she feels at her most safest. But all that was going to change.
Here it is, guys! the prologue for my new Disney fan fiction story, "Walt's Princess!" :mickey:  It took me a while to get it done and I'm sorry that it's really long, but I'm happy I got it over with and there will be more chapters to come! So ENJOY! And let me know if you see any flaws in editing, writing, or whatever. Thanks!:happybounce: 

Plus, I found a song that best fits the description of Philemon and Sadia sharing their new love with the princess.
Check it out:…

Here's a link to the Lindbergh Kidnapping if any of you are curious-…

Next chapter-…  Happy Reading!Reading 
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LoverofUnicorns96's avatar
Gosh, seeing Rachel separated from her birth parents and older brothers kills me, it reminds me of how Princess Aurora was taken from her parents by the three Fairies to be protected from Maleficent and they never got to see their daughter grow up. But they also got to see her and Phillip's wedding and watch their children grow up none-the-less. Just like Rapunzel because her hair glows and heals and if it does get cut, it turns brown and loses its' power.

Let's be honest, those ladies that insulted baby Rachel for her silver hair and eyes drives me mad, they're just like those other elephants from Dumbo. At first they thought he was cute, but when he sneezed and showed them his big ears, they were horrified and started picking on him. But Dumbo's mother slapped another elephant's trunk to protect her calf. That's just like Sadia slapping Margaret's hand when she defended her daughter. It show's that both Sadia and Dumbo's mother are great mothers all along.

But Rachel and Dumbo are similar because they have great gifts, and they prove other bullies that they were wrong about them after all. 

I find it odd that Rachel's brothers are hardly mentioned, (except in the prologue). I can't for Rachel to meet her biological brothers for the first time and she'll have real siblings to love and protect her. I can't wait to see more!